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Archive for October 22nd, 2008

So Happy

Wednesday, October 22nd, 2008

Have you ever been in that zone where every thing is cool. You feel healthy. The errands are done. There is food in the house. You are caught up on your gotta dos. And you are having a heck of a good time playing with your fabric. The weather is just perfect. Your fave candidate is up in the polls. And if you stop and think about it, you start to worry that life should not be this good. I don’t deserve it. You just have to shake it off, go with the flow and enjoy the good times.

It feels so good to wake up in the morning and think about what I am going to do in the studio. I have gone back to working in the evening, doing some quilting and cutting squares. I have been working out the next few pieces in my mind. I realized I needed some hand-dyed browns. It was such nice weather — in the 60s — so I thought I would do some dyeing, but I didn’t have the right dyes so I made a Dharma order. They usually get things to me in a day or two. I hope the good weather holds.

I finished my Cast Your Nets piece. It is not a wow piece of art, but it definitely works for the theme of my show, which is to interpret in fabric, my impressions of Israel.

Tonight, I started cutting color batiks. I may have to go to Fabric Depot to fill in some colors unless I mix in some of my other commercial fabrics. I am truly enjoying the process of finding the right color mix and cutting my little squares.

Tomorrow, I am going to start on Galilee Sunrise.