I got some validation, yesterday, that I am an artist. Terry and I drove to Eugene to take part in the twice yearly Oregon Art Quilter’s critique. We are a group of 15 – 17. It was a gorgeous day. We saw some beautiful fall scenery. I took a couple of photos from the car. (Fortunately, Terry was driving.)
We met at an upscale grocery, Market of Choice, in their community room. I was entranced at how a grocery looks from above: (Be sure to click to see larger!)
I digress! Our guest critiquer is an artist, photographer and graphic designer. We found him to be very articulate and interesting. The whole group seemed pleased with his comments and style. I was extremely happy!! Woo hoo!! I took Red Sky and Urban Sunlight.
He said that he would not change a thing about either piece. First of all, he loves abstract. He talked about the chaos that I create with my complex cloth pieces that are controlled in my construction process. He felt that the fabrics and compositions give the viewer lots to examine and think about. I was pretty happy. And if you think he said that to everyone — he didn’t!! He did say that after all the feminine color he had seen, he was going to have to go home and ride his Harley!!
OK, back down to earth. I haven’t gotten any work done in the studio. I need to get busy again tomorrow.
Thank you to everyone for your concern. I have been doing some reading and research and I am feeling a little better about the situation. Some day, I will explain, but not yet.