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Archive for November, 2008

Yes, We Can

Tuesday, November 4th, 2008

It is the morning of election day, 2008. The TV has been all about the election for days, and it is going non-stop, today. I have to think that there would not be this level of excitement if it were not that we are poised to elect the first black president of this country.

I voted a long time ago. In Oregon, we vote by mail. But, I must admit that this morning, I would love to stand in line with kindred spirits and cast my vote in public.

For all of you who have endured my political rants over the past few years and my undying affection for Obama, I thank you.

This video brought tears to my eyes when it first came out and again this morning. It is a reminder of what we have been working towards. Enjoy and VOTE!

In Limbo

Sunday, November 2nd, 2008

I don’t know about you, but I will be so happy to have Wednesday, November 5th arrive. I hope to get my life back. I have been on this political adventure for two years. I go from ecstasy to fear, depending on the latest poll that I have read. I have never been so invested in a campaign. For the sake of our country, I hope that our long nightmare is soon to be over. Today, I was looking at a slide show of the Obama family. It made me so happy to see these smiling, loving people who are poised to become our first family. Here is a link.

Mr C just left to take Steph to the airport for her flight to Portland, ME, where she will spend the week with Maria and have a book party and gallery reception out there. She is taking a red-eye. Jack leaves on Wednesday, and I am gearing up to host M & M for the rest of the week — packing lunches, driving to and from school and meeting all the other important needs of two rambunctious kids.

I have been plugging away on the sunrise quilt. I finished quilting it, but I am not really happy with the sky. The fabrics are all silk, under tulle, and I encountered some slippage, but I think I can do some corrective work on it. It is just that I have reached the stage where I want to move on. Maybe I should just let it rest for a while.

Tomorrow morning, I have Columbia Stitchery Guild board meeting. Then I have to do homework for my class. So there goes Monday. Then, we have Tuesday to get through. I’ll make it.