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Archive for January, 2009

A Mixed Blessing

Monday, January 12th, 2009

Yesterday should have been a lovely and joyous affair. I sold 4 pieces before the opening reception. But, then, there was that crappy virus that hit me some time in the early morning. I couldn’t eat breakfast. I muddled through my gallery walk/talk in a purple haze. I tried to eat a little chicken soup to get me through the rest of the day. Couldn’t do it. By the time we arrived home at 3:30, my temperature was 102° and every joint in my body was aching. This morning, the fever is down; I ate some breakfast; I am slowly coming back to life.

I want to thank all of you who sent me such positive comments and good thoughts for the show. The members of Trinity who came to the walk and those who were there for the coffee hour after church gave me such positive feed back. It was a little overwhelming.

We did not have a huge turnout for the reception, but several folks from the guild and other friends showed up. I was feeling so lousy by then, that I can hardly remember who was there. I didn’t take many photos. Here is one of Miles “running” the Labyrinth.


Here I am with red dot number 1, taken by Reva.


And red dot number 2.


The other 2 that sold were these 2 small pieces:

westbankshelter batshannoncanvas

The houses had 2 people who wanted it. The Bet She’an piece had a spray painted dowel for hanging.

Serendipitously, Bill, the dean of the cathedral, preached about the plight of the Palestinians yesterday, and so my show seemed to really touch people.

A Little of This and a Little of That

Saturday, January 10th, 2009

My days are so full; there is no time to just put my feet up and chill. I am, however, feeling some withdrawals from the studio time. I keep thinking I need to get down there and get to work. But,  one look at these photos and you can see I need to do some clean up.



Look at this poster I received from Lisa for Christmas.


I love this. It was first produced and used in England at the beginning of World War II to offer the public reassurance in the dark days which lay ahead.

I have just about finished the first round of SDA conference workshop assignments and every one has received and e-mail or snail mail confirmation. Monday, I will start working on the next batch.

I took a break yesterday to attend my crit group. I didn’t have anything new so I took the reworked Urban Sunlight. Got some excellent comments and possible problems. It is what it is. I can’t change anything on it now. But will keep the comments for future work.

Today, I have been getting ready for tomorrow’s reception for my show at the cathedral. I am having an assortment of middle eastern treats, like dates, almonds and baklava!! I picked this up at a Greek deli – just baked. It is so good, you can see that we gave it a taste test.


I have lime green cups and some coordinating napkins.

limegreencups receptionnapkins

I also made some business cards, just in case someone wants to get in touch with me.


I have to get up early in the morning. I am doing a gallery walk/talk at 9 am, followed by church. We will hang out and set up for the 1 am reception. If you are in the Portland area, I hope you will come by.

Finally, look what we received in the mail today:


There is no way I am going to DC for the inauguration, but this will be a nice keepsake.

I hope to get some good photos at the reception and will post tomorrow.

“Hanging” In There

Thursday, January 8th, 2009

First, a feeling of elation to see the pieces hanging. Then, a let down as I realize that I have been consumed by this and now, it is over. I tried to take some photos, but the lighting was pretty bad. The art work lights were on, but the general lighting was not on.





I could not have hung another piece, without it looking very crowded. I did a journal page with photos for each section, I received lots of positive comments from those walking through the hall. Sunday morning, I am doing a gallery walk at 9 am, then we have the reception at 1 pm. It will be a long day.

Here is how we hung them. Mr C made slats with screw eyes on the end for each piece. Then we strung wire between the two screw eyes. Then we stapled the wire to the wooden slat through the sleeve, 2 inches from the center on each side. On the larger pieces, we put in more staples.


Here is the hook from which the are hangs. It is attached to a rail at the top of the panels.


Here is the quilt hung on the hook.


Tonight, I got organized to start processing registrations tomorrow morning. It is supposed to rain buckets tonight and tomorrow so I might as well be sitting around doing paper work. We are offering registration and workshop confirmation via e-mail for the first time this year. I was amazed at how many want the e-mail. I got the pdfs set up and I think I can make that go quite fast. I also have to process all of the credit cards on line. Just so you know, I won’t be far from the ‘puter for the next few days.

The Storm Before the Calm

Wednesday, January 7th, 2009

Yesterday was a day I do not want to repeat any time soon. It was the drop dead day for registering for the SDA Conference and getting into the workshop lottery. My phone started ringing at 6 am. In between phone calls, I managed to get some work done on the final show pieces. I still have 3 sleeves to sew and a couple of dowels to attach. I worked on the journal pages which will be displayed with the quilts. Those are printed on ledger paper and ready to go. Mr C has all of the hanging slats done and attached. I learned of a great way to prepare these for gallery hanging on the QA list. I will show it in my next post.

Here is the final version of the Wall of Hopes and Fears and a detail.



I didn’t do the Pomegranate piece I planned, but I like this anyway. I printed several versions of my pom photos on silk and silk organza and collaged them on a hand-dye red. I bordered it with something I found in my stash that worked perfectly, by using the wrong side.


Here is a detail.


I am hanging the show tomorrow afternoon. I would like to collapse, but I have to deal with about 100 people who want to get into a certain workshop. Steph is coming over on Thursday morning to help me get a handle on it. I will get started tomorrow night. I am waiting for 39 faxed registrations to arrive from the SDA office in California. Most people have asked for e-mail confirmation. That means that we save on postage and paper, but I have to spend more time on the computer creating pdfs of conference materials and sending them out. I am taking a break on Thursday afternoon to get my hair colored and cut.

The Wall of Hopes and Fears

Friday, January 2nd, 2009


My long time readers know that one of the most profound experiences in Israel was seeing the barrier wall that cordons off the West Bank from Jerusalem. There is a lot of art and graffiti on the Palestinian side and hardly any on the Israeli side. The wall has become a place for the Palestinians and visitors to share their hopes and fears. I have taken many of these images and some of my own to create my version of the wall. Click on it to read the different writings.

I had a bit of a disaster. I wanted to do the peace symbol in the colors of the Palestinian flag. I did cut the symbol from freezer paper and ironed it to a silk screen and did a test print. But when I printed on the actual piece, I didn’t get much of an image at all and then I couldn’t line it up to reprint. I decided to use a brush and give it the look of handpainted graffiti. I even added the drips. I was afraid I had ruined the piece, but I think it is going to work. I think I need to add some more red on the other side to balance the color. I also screened the coexist sign and a Hand of Fatima which is a symbol worn in the middle east by progressive people who see this as a symbol that is part of both the Islamic and Jewish religions. One of the members of our group called the wall  ..the wall of not letting out just keeping in…

On another note, I found my way to Eva Marie’s blog: My Creative Diary – Colourful Research. She has done what I wanted to do, created the Non-award Award. She gives permission to steal it for your own blog which I have done. It is in my sidebar. If you click on it, you will go to her post about blog awards. I loved it.

At 7:30 pm, my show postcards were finally delivered by UPS. I am going to try to get them in the mail tomorrow.