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Archive for January 12th, 2009

A Mixed Blessing

Monday, January 12th, 2009

Yesterday should have been a lovely and joyous affair. I sold 4 pieces before the opening reception. But, then, there was that crappy virus that hit me some time in the early morning. I couldn’t eat breakfast. I muddled through my gallery walk/talk in a purple haze. I tried to eat a little chicken soup to get me through the rest of the day. Couldn’t do it. By the time we arrived home at 3:30, my temperature was 102° and every joint in my body was aching. This morning, the fever is down; I ate some breakfast; I am slowly coming back to life.

I want to thank all of you who sent me such positive comments and good thoughts for the show. The members of Trinity who came to the walk and those who were there for the coffee hour after church gave me such positive feed back. It was a little overwhelming.

We did not have a huge turnout for the reception, but several folks from the guild and other friends showed up. I was feeling so lousy by then, that I can hardly remember who was there. I didn’t take many photos. Here is one of Miles “running” the Labyrinth.


Here I am with red dot number 1, taken by Reva.


And red dot number 2.


The other 2 that sold were these 2 small pieces:

westbankshelter batshannoncanvas

The houses had 2 people who wanted it. The Bet She’an piece had a spray painted dowel for hanging.

Serendipitously, Bill, the dean of the cathedral, preached about the plight of the Palestinians yesterday, and so my show seemed to really touch people.