I spent some time today looking into devices for composting kitchen and yard waste for my farm. I spent the afternoon checking out some local sources – most are out or didn’t have what I wanted. So back home to the computer. I ordered this for the backyard:
This turns so that you can continually mix up your compost stuff.
This lovely will reside in the kitchen to collect waste to go down to the composter. It has a carbon filter in the lid to cut down on odors (I hope) I’m hoping that having something this attractive will encourage me to save the garbage and get it into the composter.
This morning I also did some work on my 12 X 12 challenge. I auditioned some fabrics, but I think I need to dye some colors that I am missing. I also finished the Photoshop design that I will use.
Tonight, I discharged one of the pieces from the shibori class. I wrapped it on a pvc pipe and sloshed on some Sunlight Dishwasher detergent. It discharged the outer edge so I washed and dried it and wrapped it the other way. It now looks like this:
The photo is not that great as I took it in the kitchen just now. It looks better than this. Here is a thumbnail of the fabric before I went at it with bleach.