This is finished. I quite like it and I hope the new owner will like it. Should I send it to her now or enter it in a couple of shows? (heh) I think she has been waiting long enough. I used the blanket stitch on my Janome to stitch the aspens. I varied the width and length so that it wouldn’t look too matchy. Here is a detail. I think the stitching fits the overall design of the piece.
I am feeling so much better and getting more energy every day. This morning I roasted some eggplant, Roma tomatoes and red onion to make a spread for a potluck dinner party tonight.
I also vacuum packed 8 pints of berries for the freezer – raspberries and blueberries.
One of my biggest accomplishments was ironing all of my cotton and linen summer clothes. They were piling up on my dresser and I had nothing to wear, seriously.
Tonight we drove north over the Columbia river to Vancouver, WA to have dinner with friends from Trinity Cathedral. We set the GPS (Reva) to take us to our destination. She wanted to go on I-5; we wanted to take 205. She would not give up. We thought that once we got on 205, she would get a clue, but no. Fortunately, the GPS on my iPhone was more astute and so we followed those directions and got to our destination. Mr C and I were laughing hysterically by the time we got there.
I have a great idea for the Passion piece for the next 12 X 12 theme. I am going with the sexy interpretation, but tongue in cheek. Can’t wait to work on that. Then, I am going to have fun making a quilt for my great niece and I get to work with girly fabrics – can’ wait.
Hope you are having a good week-end, too.