I didn’t make any art today, but I saw some great art. I have been very coy about my plans over the last few days. Helen Conway of the Twelves is on an around the world trip with her husband. Her first stop is California and she is spending a few days with Diane Hock, founder of the Twelves. Yesterday, Mr C and I drove down here to our former home so that I could show up at a luncheon Diane was having and surprise Helen. Karen Rips also came up from Thousand Oaks, for the day.
What can I say? It was so special to see the surprise on Helen’s face when I walked in. She had actual tears (of joy, I hope). The above quilt is one she made and gave to Diane. Isn’t it beautiful — all Kaffe fabrics and Freddie Moran houses — two of Diane’s favorite things.
Here are the four of us. I think this is the largest Twelve rendezvous; previously, there was a meet up of 3 of us in Portland — Kristin, Terry and I. In the back are Helen and I and in front Karen on the left and Diane.

Diane invited many of my quilting friends from the area. It was so much fun to see every one and catch up on their quilting escapades. Diane and I were very close with 3 of those who came. We were the gang of five. We were all new to the guild and bonded. If there was a quilt show or a new quilt shop or some other interesting activity, we were there. Here is a photo of us. I miss them so much.

In addition to Diane and I, that is Rita to the right of me and Pat and Janet, sitting in front of us. Our age span was 30 years, Diane being the youngest and Janet, the oldest. Can you believe that she is 85?
After a delicious lunch, we had show and tell. The four Twelves showed our quilts together so we had one third of the body of work in the room. It was so fantastic to see these little gems in person.
Here is some other show and tell. Among Pat Dicker’s treasures was this wonderful village quilt. I love the colors that she used. Pat is one of the most prolific quilters that I know.

Janet had this fun quilt made from silk. The challenge was to do something long and narrow. She also brought this quilt which won her a blue ribbon and $100 at the Marin County Fair. She has been in Quilt National and Visions, but she said it took this long to win a blue ribbon.

Delaine had many lovely little quilts from group challenges. This challenge was yarn.

Patsy had this challenge quilt of abstracted trees. Loving trees as I do, I really coveted it.

Here is a wonderful photo of Helen, Pat and Janet.

And here is Karen and my friend, Sandy.

And all those postcards that I have been making? In celebration of seeing my many friends, I gave each one a postcard. I have two left because two people didn’t make it.
I will leave you with Helen’s lime green shoes which I love! They are going to have a wonderful trip around the world.

Tonight, Mr C and I had dinner at Willy’s Wine Bar. Wonderful small plates and a great selection of Sonoma wines. Tomorrow, we are meeting Helen and her husband, Dennis, for breakfast so that we can have some quality time together. It was a wonderful day and worth the wait and secrecy!!