We arrived home on Tuesday night, and it has been difficult to get back in the swing of things. I had quilt show entries to get done; housekeeping to do as I have a meeting here tomorrow morning. Ya da Ya da! Part of me is longing to be where this is the philosophy!
Here are few photos from the last couple of days. We had an absolutely gorgeous last day on Monday. We took a 4 mile round trip hike down to Tunnel Beach, so called because in the winter the surf often forms tunnels for the expert surfers. But, it was pretty calm when we were there.
Here is the sunset on Monday evening, not spectacular, but very lovely.
On our way to the airport, we stopped at an overlook of one of the wildlife refuges. It was so lush.
While on Kauai, I did lots of reading and some hand stitching on my silk irrigation circles. You can see a sneak peak up above and here. It is slow going. I am not sure that I can get this done in time for the High Fiber Diet show.
Scooter stayed at a dog boarding/day care out in the country. I think he had a great time, but he was a mess. His long coat was matted and dirty. No one was brushing him!! So I took him to the groomer today, and now he looks as if he was on a crash diet. She even had to trim his bushy tail!
I am going to do a little reading — I am so close to finishing The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Then, it is PR!!