I was totally stressed last night, trying to decide if I could make another quilt before Tuesday and if so, what? I looked through all my plane photos. I googled birds eye view and views from planes to get some inspiration.
Ta da, I came up with a meandering stream/river. I have cut a rough version of how the river will meander with some fabrics I am considering for the topography. The turquoise has been disqualified for the river. Also, the river will not be that wide.
I dyed some silk charmeuse for the meandering river.
I was getting so distracted trying to work on this because I still had a mess from the last two quilts I made. So, after lunch, I took some time to put fabric away and clean up the studio.
Ahhh! Now, I can get to work. I got all of the fabric fused. I will get up in the morning and get to work.
I am feeling pretty good about this because it will be another piece in my abstract landscapes, using my art cloth.
Tonight, Mr C and I are going to the Northwest Film Festival to see The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, a Swedish film of the book we just read. It is quite long. I hope I can stay awake.