This is the body of work that I submitted to SAQA for my application to become Professional Artist Member. I was denied. I was told that even thought I had “strong work.” my portfolio was not cohesive.
I waited quite awhile before I made the application because I wanted to have a cohesive portfolio. In my artist statement, I said that a big part of my work is creating original cloth from which I create abstract landscapes. I don’t know how to be more cohesive than this. I am open to suggestions, but I will not go through this again.
I also waited to apply until I had fulfilled many of the suggestions for PAM membership — having a solo show, work in national juried shows, work shown in museums, etc. I think I had fulfilled just about all of them. There are many PAMs who did not have to go through this process. They could just pay the extra membership and become one. Now, there is a glut of PAMs and so they are being very selective.
So, I am feeling as if I had the wind knocked out of me. I will get over it, but I wish I had not put myself through this.
Note: I feel compelled to explain my title. I felt embarrassed because so many friends had told me I was a shoe in and I believed it.