I had a very eclectic day and one of the most fun things that I did was making this little felted composition. I used the painted organza trimmings left from the sunset piece with roving.
I also did some fabric painting out on the patio. It was so nice to work outside and not worry about a mess in the studio. I had to paint more red and black silk organza because the synthetic was not working for me. I also touched up the silk background that I have for making another aspen piece.
In the morning, Scooter and I took an hour walk. It was beautiful here today – got up to 81° and was delightful.
I got the oven going tonight and made a pizza margharita for dinner and a pan of apricot oatmeal bars for my guild board meeting tomorrow morning. Yummy!
Now, I need to put a warm compress on my eye with a stye. Is there no end to the annoyances in my life!!