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Archive for April 5th, 2011

Emotional Roller Coaster

Tuesday, April 5th, 2011

I started the day in a sour mood. I planned to go to my studio and purge it of the piles of fabric and stuff from my last two projects. But, I got distracted. I worked some more on the Klee Castles. I  putzed around with one of the two chartreuse pieces. It needed something else. I did a Constant Contact newsletter for one of the SDA reps.  I moped and got teary eyed.

I am so tired of my clothes, cooking and shopping the same old food, the lousy weather.  My sinuses are blooming because I am in that vortex of winter molds and spring pollen. Mr C is coping by immersing himself in designing our new deck. If I didn’t have my art, I would really be a nut case!!

Today, I got an e-mail that Prairie Fields was accepted into PAQA South ArtquiltsMovement. I wrote an artist statement about zooming across the heartland in a plane and taking a photo that inspired this piece. I thought it was a stretch, but Yay!, I got in.

That turned my day around. I posted it on Facebook and received lots of affirmations from my friends. Tonight, I was finishing work on Klee’s Castles and felt really happy. I love this fabric that I put on the back.

I think I will donate this piece to the SAQA auction.

The first photo up there are some photo-shopped photos for the next piece I want to do which will be the Portland skyline with a sunset sky. It is a view that we often see from our side of the river. Under the sketches is part of the mess that I still need to clean up.