I finished this in between activities with Sandra Sider while she was here doing critiques. I remember this saying from my childhood — Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning. Red sky at night, sailor’s delight. This is the view we get of the sunsetting on Portland. We often get the most incredible colors.
In addition to finishing the quilt, I had to do labels and sleeves for it and the other quilt and make traveling bags with signage and fill out the paperwork. I finished at 5:05; washed my face, put on some makeup, changed my clothes and met friends for dinner before the meeting at 5:35. Whew!
I am quite exhausted from the frenzy of activity over the past 4 days. Sandra left to fly home this morning. She was flying through Atlanta so I hope she made it all the way to the Bronx. Tomorrow, Lisa arrives and will be with us until Monday. She is doing a book signing at Land in North Portland. If you live in Portland, please come by and say hi.