I am continuing with the sorting and purging. I am happy to say that I found my button collection. They were in the bottom of a plastic tub. I like them better in this quart jar. Looks like something my grandmother would have had.
I also found a selection of buttons still on their cards. I suppose that I once had plans for these.
I also found an assortment of snap and hook and eye closures.
I also found this little treasure — a silver heart charm or bead. It is only about 1/4 inch.
I wasn’t very ambitious today. I find that on days when I go to Pilates in the morning, I get a slower start on other things. I had some SDA work to do. I also spent some time this afternoon taking some stuff to Steph and shopping at Trader Joes. Then there was the hour that I spent on the phone with AT&T, sorting out our account. We switched the account to Mr C’s name so that we could get the GE employee’s discount. However, when I paid the bill, I didn’t switch the account number in my online bill pay so it went to the old account. This is the second time that I have gotten the same customer service rep. She is very nice and very thorough, but I hope we are done meeting on the phone!!
I saw these beautiful red poppies on my walk today.