I finished the quilt for the SAQA Oregon juried show. It is photographed and the cd and entry form are ready to overnight to Eugene tomorrow. I will post a photo of the finished quilt tomorrow.
The photo I have posted up there is of a Haiku book that I made in a class tonight at Trinity. I have not written any Haiku in it yet. I have never really tried to write a Haiku and I am going to challenge myself to do it.
Here is the process:
We covered the front and back covers with decorative paper. Next, we tore watercolor paper into pieces to fit in the book.
We then drilled holes through the covers and the papers. We strung leather ties through the holes.
We tied pieces of wood to the ends of the leather to keep it from slipping loose.
There were some high school and middle school kids in the class with us. They had printed paper earlier in their other art class and some brought theirs in to use for their books. Here is one done by a kid who is brilliant and has just decided to major in art. The other papers are an assortment that we got to select from for our books.
Next week we are doing a more complicated book with holes cut in the pages to reveal pictures. I have to come up with a theme and get some photos printed.
Tomorrow morning is my second cataract surgery. Can’t wait to have both eyes seeing true colors!!