I am one week in to the new year and feeling good about the direction my life is taking. On the quiltart list, members usually pick a word for the year. Last year, I selected spunk. It really didn’t work for me. I had hopes of jumping into the new year and my art with gusto and doing incredible new stuff. Instead, I felt as if I had been punched in the stomach for most of the year.
I was not going to select a word this year, but as I thought about how I want to “be” this year, I realized that I was seeking balance in my life. And, so, I now have a word. To that end, I am taking some time each day for introspection and reading something spiritual. I fell more centered.
I have had a busy couple of days as I prepared for the opening of June’s exhibit at Trinity. Mr C got the tummy bug on Friday night so I lost my wing man. I called some friends to help. It was a lovely reception. Here is the food table.
I made these wraps which were so delicious and hit with the attendees.
You just need something for the wrap — lahvosh or tortillas. I used a whole wheat wrap. Spread it with pesto and then top with thinly sliced fresh mozzarella and arugula leaves a roll up and slice. Yummy.
My 3 x3 for yesterday is a bit of a mess. I had a terrible time with the free motion quilting.
I do like today’s 3 xv3 which is up at the top of the post. I love Judy Martin’s blog. She does lots of hand stitching and has a very meditative, zen approach to her fiber work. In her latest blog, she was traveling in the car and hand stitching strips of fabric to batting. I had to give it a try.
Now, back to watching a movie with Mr C.