My umpteen weeks of work on a Filemaker database for the Artists Among Us exhibit came to fruition today. We checked in art form 55+ artists today, without a hitch.Well, maybe one or two changes in prices which means reprinting labels. I am exhausted but very happy. Our trio that has been organizing and making plans for several months are very happy with how things are moving along. Tomorrow, we start installing the show.
I managed to put together the three little pieces above. I re-purposed this larger quilt that never really worked. So I cut it up and mounted the work on 8 X 8 gallery frames.
I painted the edges purple.
I also have Prairie Fields in the show. It looks nice with these little pieces.
I have to be back at Trinity at 9 in the morning. I am pretty much involved with the show for the rest of the week. I will try to check in periodically. Here is a cute trio of sculptures from found objects. Mr C really likes The Bookman.
By the way, we are having glorious weather for a change!!