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Archive for September, 2012


Tuesday, September 25th, 2012

After several weeks of relief, I had a major allergy/sinus attack with a debilitating headache. I had to put myself to bed this afternoon. I have done all the possible remedies and I just hope that I wake up tomorrow feeling better. I made down to the studio tonight and had a bit of fun getting caught up on 3 x 3’s.

I also managed to roast some tomatillos and made a delicious salsa verde which we had with left over pork and black beans. This is why I love my CSA veggies. I probably wouldn’t think to buy tomatillos, but there they were with cilantro and jalapeno peppers.

My daughter, Lisa, has been posting the most amazing photos of her trip to Iceland, Sweden, Finland and Denmark. You can find her blog, here. She is coming home tomorrow after 3 weeks away.

Getting All Mavericky

Monday, September 24th, 2012

The next Twelve reveal is October 1, which is next Monday. The theme is Maverick. I have an idea. I drew a sketch today. I am not over the moon about it, but I think it will work. It is based on a personal story.

I am doing all of my 12 X 20 quilts with batiks. I didn’t have the right colors, except for the background, in my stash. I picked some up at Fabric Depot last week. Here is my array of fabrics.

I am moving along with the quilting of the kelp piece. It is looking good. I like the thread I bought for it.

Here are two more 3 x 3’s.

It was nice to have a day at home after my busy week!

Oregon Flock and Fiber

Sunday, September 23rd, 2012

Yesterday was busy with more Quilt Expo hob nobbing and getting some errands done – like buying groceries, picking tomatoes and roasting them and preparing a home cooked meal. Mr C and I went back to the Expo Center at the end of the show and met Terry. With Mr C’s help, we were able to get the quilts down and ready to pack up, but whoops, they lost our boxes and specially labeled bags. So, we had to wait while someone went to Office Depot and bought us new boxes. I had special boxes for shipping the quilts. I will have to prepare some more bags for the Colorplay quilts which are going on to Australia in November.

Today, after church, I decided I wanted to make a quick trip to the Oregon Flock and Fiber Fest. It is an array of eye candy — colorful yarns and roving — and beautiful sheep, goats, alpacas and llamas.

A member of the Columbia Fiberarts Guild was one of the featured artists and I wanted to see her work. She is a weaver. I was disappointed that there were only a couple of pieces of hers in the gallery. Here is one.

I ran into several friends during my short visit, and I took lots of fun photos. So here we go:

A felted wall hanging.

Creative packaging!

These rugs were hooked using roving. Here is the maker.

These rugs were woven – so pretty.

I loved this indigo dyed roving and I really should have bought some.

The artisan grows her own indigo and dyes using the leaves and she also used Rit color remover and gets all these luscious colors.

Many women were spinning or knitting. There was a spinning contest going on out on the lawn.

Loved these little felted sheep.

Before I drove home, I had to visit the animals in the barn.

Apparently you do not have to shear these sheep; you just pull the wool off as it grows. It was very soft.

Tomorrow, I have to get back to my studio. I have 12 x 20 piece to get finished by Oct. 1 and I need to finish quilting the kelp. Not to mention the 3 x 3’s.


More Quilt Expo

Friday, September 21st, 2012

We had a Twelve rendezvous today when Nikki Wheeler arrived with her parents to see the exhibit. I spent most of the morning at the show hobnobbing with friends and fans. It was lots of fun. I did a little shopping and took some more quilt photos.

This quilt of Elaine Millar was supposed to be in yesterday’s post. It  is in the SAQA exhibit and one I like very much.

This quilt was full of details with felted critters and hand embroidery. It was quite fascinating.

I found this innovative traditional quilt very striking.

There was a special exhibit of quilts by the Portland Modern Quilt Guild. I have to admit that I don’t quite get this quilt movement. I do like some of the quilts they make – examples to follow – when they use simple forms composed on a white background. However, many of the quilts in this exhibit did not have that aesthetic – they were pieced blocks like many of the other traditional quilts in the show.

I figure that in a few years they will all be making art quilts and joining SAQA!

That is it for tonight.

Sleep Deprived

Thursday, September 20th, 2012

I was up at 4 and at the Quilt Show by 5. Our segment didn’t happen until 6:45 so we had a lot of waiting to do!

Here is Drew doing a promo with a long arm dealer.

Here he is with one of the show organizers, Geri Grasvik, and the best of show quilt. One of those Swarovski crystal studded quilts – this one was from Germany.

Here is a link to a video of Terry and I doing our schtick. Enjoy! Our time was cut short so our scripted plan fell apart, but Drew is good at punting and just rolled with it.

I went back out to the show for a bit after lunch and took some photos. You can see some of the Twelve exhibit on the Twelve blog. I came home and slept for two hours so that I could stay awake to watch Project Runway.

Here are two of my quilts in the show.

The lighting on Forest was really harsh as it was hung up quite high.

Here are some quilts that I liked. I put the label for each one underneath.

I was so excited to see this Painted Hills quilt!!


Trisha uses metal in her quilts.

I just love this quilt by my friend Suzy. Many people have chickens in their backyards in Portland – you can have up to 3, but no roosters.

I really love Bonnie’s quilts. I use a lot of her handdyes.

Not much else to say tonight. I am too tired.