It was a pretty nice day today. Almost felt like spring. I took Scooter for two walks. Doesn’t he look handsome. He had his day at the groomer’s this week.
In the late afternoon, we went down to the Rhodie Garden. There was a beautiful sunset out over the west hills.
The Hellebores are in bloom and the Rhodies are getting ready to pop.
I had a big job to complete before Monday and I got it finished today. On Monday, we are jurying for the annual Trinity Artists Among Us. Almost 70 people have e-mailed photos to me. They were given specific instructions for sizing them. Most didn’t follow the instructions. I had to resize them and organize them into a Keynote slide show. It is done and looks really cool. I am excited because we have several new artists submitting who do wonderful work.
I finished the Alzheimer’s quilt edges and did a hanging ring and a label. I like getting work done early!
And here is my rendering of a balsamic vinegar bottle. Not thrilled with it.