Yes, indeed, there was snow and then we have had several days of below freezing temps. Out furnace, like many in Portland, has failed to come on in the morning because it is in the attic and the condensation drain froze. Steve got it to start on Sunday, by using a hair dryer. Today, it was more problematic. It took a while. Thank goodness, the furnace downstairs is working just fine and so I holed up down there, working on a way to destash the fabrics that did not selll.
I had just a few intrepid buyers, so it was not a total loss. But, I still have lots of nice fabric and need to find homes for it.
I am starting with the batiks by trimming, ironing and folding them. I will sort them into groups and put them in priority mail boxes and put them on my website for sale. I have trimmed off lots of smaller scraps which could be useful to some quilters.
Here are some of the piles of batiks that I have. Some are as large as 1/2 yard and some are smaller than a fat quarter.
After these are boxed and photographed, I will start on the Japanese scraps. I know some of my readers are interested in those.
This is all a bit time consuming, but I think it is the best way to find homes for my stash.
Stay tuned to this space!