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Archive for June 29th, 2015

Finishing Work

Monday, June 29th, 2015


I have been so busy finishing quilts, getting them photographed and doing my SDA work.

The redwood tree piece just about did me in. It is 40 x 40 and is made up of lots and lots of little bits of fabric. The pieces of fabric were all over The Congdo! This was to fulfill an assignment for my master class where we simplified a landscape photo. This was a difficult photo to simplify, but I wanted to do it. As a reminder, here is the original photo, looking up through the redwoods in CA.


Here is a detail:


I got a pretty good critique in my online class. I also entered it into an invitational juried show, with the theme, affinity. It did not make the cut, but I am not surprised. I just didn’t have time to something else and tried to make this work. I am not sure I will ever do a confetti quilt again – not really my thing!!

Here is the other quilt I finished and I love it. It is titled Ode to a Tree. It is 28 by 52 inches.


I used the letters I made in the workshop with Cynthia Corbin. They spell tree. I put them in a vertical format to represent a tree.


Here is a detail:

View More: http://hoddick.pass.us/gerrie

I had fun using the fabrics I created in the Judy Robinson workshop last summer. All the beautiful photography was done by Kayley Hoddick, here in Portland.