My dyeing workspace in the studio is covered with newspapers. I love the look of the splattered dye on the newsprint.
This week-end, I started working on dyeing the rainbow.
Here are my quarter yards marinating in dye and soda ash.
Here is a closeup of the purple. I love it. I can’t wait to wash these out and iron them.
I think I might have to redo some of the pieces which used orange in the recipe. My orange seems to be a lot stronger that my other dyes and has been overpowering. I will wait to see what I get before I jump in.
It was a busy week-end as it was Mr C’s birthday on Friday. We went out to dinner with Steph, Jack, and M & M on Friday night. On Saturday, we went to Lisa’s for dinner. Clay’s father and brother are here from Atlanta to go skiing.