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Archive for February 11th, 2016

Dyeing Results

Thursday, February 11th, 2016


I am quite happy with the colors that I mixed to dye specific colors. I find that this is something I love doing.


I was thrilled with my citron/chartreuse pieces. I used yellow with just a smidge of black. The blue is not quite where I want it. I need to add a bit more fuchsia to get a cooler blue. As a reminder, here are the colors I was going for. The fabrics in the photo below were already in my stash.


I finished my Fuzzy Wuzzy cowl, but not without a bit of a problem. I didn’t leave enough yarn to bind off so I had to pull out a couple of rows.


I have been pretty busy with SDA work for the last few days. Not much time for other stuff! My knee is behaving so that is good.