about the artist

Took the Plunge

How many times could I hear Mia say. "Please come to the pool and watch me swim!!"  So I donned my new bathing suit with the pocket for my prosthetic and headed for the pool. I was so afraid the boob would just float away. It is sort of weird, but I think I can still enjoy being in the water. You are not going to see pictures of me in the bathing suit or in the pool!!
But, here is



And here is my handsome husband with Miles.


DebR, this is just for you. These are the shoes I bought Mia yesterday. She almost slept with them on last night.

Here is cutie patootie Miles. (Notice my vanity license plate)


All this fun and I still managed to get the church newsletter done!!

6 Responses to “Took the Plunge”

  1. Liz Berg says:

    the pool is just a beautiful color…an idea for a quilt popping up! Floating boobies on aqua water…what a scene that could be!

  2. ginger says:

    ack sorry post went crazy>:

  3. ginger says:

    Hi Gerrie, the restaurant is called Stromboli’s and it is about 39th and Woodstock. mariah waits tables 4 nights a week …it is a new place and I think they are struggling a bit as they closed early last night..but that was good cause Mariah could stay for the send off party for Conrad..he leaves in just a few hours now…the Marines…Ginger ( trying not to cry )

  4. ginger says:

    Hi Gerrie, the restaurant is called Stromboli’s and it is about 39th and Woodstock… Mariah waits tables 4 nights a week …it is a new place and I think they are struggling a bit as they closed early last night..but that was good cause Mariah could stay for the send off party for Conrad..he leaves in just a few hours now…the Marines…Ginger ( trying not to cry )

  5. ginger says:

    Hi Gerrie, the restaurant is called Stromboli’s and it is about 39th and Woodstock. mariah waits tables 4 nights a week …it is a new place and I think they are struggling a bit as they closed early last night..but that was good cause Mariah could stay for the send off party for Conrad..he leaves in just a few hours now…the Marines…Ginger ( trying not to cry )

  6. DebR says:

    Mia’s a smart girl. I wouldn’t have wanted to take them off either! 🙂