about the artist

Why? You ask

I have gotten many queries about why I moved my blog. Well, for one, the ease of adding a banner without going into the template, trying to figure out the HTML and where to add it. It can be done in Blogger, but in TypePad Plus, it is just plain easy. How do you like my new banner? Setting up TypeLists and Photo Albums is a breeze. There is no need for a site counter – it is part of the deal. There is a cost for this, but I think the options available and the ease of managing the site is worth it. Besides, I had to follow my daughters to the new neighborhood.

Today has been one of those days. Meeting at 8:30 am with Fr. Matt – back from a month of vacation. Did the final edits on the church newsletter, left it for proofing. Home to walk the dog and make labels for the Guild newsletter. Spent a little time with Mia and  Miles, who spent most of the day at the pool. Back to church to make corrections on the newsletter for printing tomorrow. Came home expecting to go out to dinner, but Mia wasn’t feeling well (I think she swallowed too much pool water!) so picked up take out and ate in the backyard – it was much nicer anyway. We enjoyed a show of silly dancing by Miles and some acrobatics by a recovered Mia.

Tomorrow is a sad day as we drive M & M and Steph to the airport. The good news is that I will be able to get back to quilting and creating again. Tomorrow morning M & M and I are going to zig zag the edges of their fused quiltlets, then I will get pics and post them.

3 Responses to “Why? You ask”

  1. Love the new template Gerrie and the banner is spectacular. Great Clean yet graphic look. Congrats.

  2. DebR says:

    Your banner is beeeeeeyoootiful!!!!

    Does typepad give you the option to categorized your posts so that you can pull up posts according to topics as well as date? I love that feature when I see it on some blogs.

  3. Karoda says:

    I have typepad basics, so i can’t customize the border…but this is tempting to upgrade. having both a blog on blogger and typepad…i’ve always found typepad easier and more dependable…my monthly fee is 4 or 5 bucks each month.