about the artist

A Quick Check-in

I missed the debate tonight because I was at a High Fiber Diet meeting. I hear it was a good one! Terry did a great presentation on the design elements – figure, mass and space. We spent a long time talking about a new meeting space. It is difficult because our members come from Vancouver, WA in the north to Eugene, in the south.

I finished Paige’s sweater!! Can’t wait to see her wearing it.

And that is all I have to say tonight.


3 Responses to “A Quick Check-in”

  1. connie rose says:

    Love that sweater!

  2. KathieB says:

    Very cute sweater!

  3. Jeannie says:

    Paige’s sweater is adorable. I really love those buttons. Your High Fiber Diet group could have field trips up here. The wineries are always looking for groups to use their tasting rooms after hours. 🙂 Have a great day!!!