about the artist

A Happy Day with Touches of Hot Pink


I am exhausted and in pain from a pinched nerve in my right hip. But, I know you have been waiting to see some photos of our happy times with Lisa and Clay. I will start with the bunting made by a friend that hung in their  backyard for the rehearsal dinner. We had delicious catered tacos and had a wonderful evening with family and Clay and Lisa’s closest friends.


Jayme’s mother flew in from Denver to help them with Paige this week. Jayme is taking the medical school boards this week and is studying like crazy!

The wedding day was beautiful. Steph did all of the flowers and the bouquet so she was very busy on Friday and Saturday. She was so nervous, but ended up loving it and doing a great job. You will see the flowers in some of my later photos.


Lisa conceived of this backdrop for the outdoor wedding. Several of her friends came to her house last week and helped make these poofs and other ornaments. It was very pretty and very Lisa. There were tissue paper flowers tied to the backs of chairs at the dinner.

We all arrived early to have lots of family photos take. Here are some that I took so I don’t have any with Mr C and I in them.



With Clay’s family.




With their siblings and partners.




With Mark, Jayme and Paige.




With just cutie patootie, Paige.




With Steph, Mia, Miles, and Jack.




With my grandchildren.

No photos allowed during the service. Let me just say that it was beautiful. It was officiated by my niece, Robin, a Presbyterian minister, who is also a lesbian. Mia did a lovely reading. The girls had written beautiful vows for each other.

Here they are, newly married, with beautiful smiles.



This is my niece, Robin, and her partner, Rhonda — love them so much.




There was a lovely sit-down dinner of delicious vegan foods — the paella was so good. Each person got a stone, painted by Lisa’s friend, Diana, and a little hot pink tag identifying the table.




Here is the lovely table decor with little birch logs and glasses of flowers. Of course, Lisa did the table numbers.



Each of the girls selected 3 people, family and friends, to give toasts. Stephanie’s was funny and hearkened back to her idolization of Lisa as a child. Steve was the last to go and it was the best. There was not a dry eye in the house. All of Lisa’s gay friends came up to him and thanked him.

Then, the dancing commenced. Here are L and C doing their first dance. I managed to spend most of the evening on the dance floor, boogieing my buns off. Had a great time. I love Lisa’s friend and made an attempt to talk to each of them —many are  among some of the more famous style bloggers on the internet.




I had to get up early and get stuff together to fly to San Antonio for the Surface Design Conference. I was still smiling as I flew to  LA and on to San Antonio. I have some great photos of my time here and my workshop with Kerr Grabowski – I will get to that tomorrow.

This was one of the happiest of family events for us. Our brothers and sisters and spouses came and it was so good to have them with us for this special event.



7 Responses to “A Happy Day with Touches of Hot Pink”

  1. Kristin L says:

    Congratulations to all involved! It’s taken me a while to get here to read and comment, but I was thoroughly enjoying your Facebook updates on the wedding day. It all seemed so wonderfully giddy. 🙂 I love seeing such a happy and loving family (and community too!).

  2. Kristin Freeman says:

    Gerrie…It was pure delight to read your words and view your photos of this most beautiful and wonderful family event. Thank you for including those of us out here in blog-land/cyber-land so that we might absorb a bit of the sweetness of this marvelous day in the life of your family.

  3. Karen Rips says:

    Congratulations Gerrie, what a wonderful celebration, and to seque into a Kerr class! What could be better

  4. Congratulations on such a happy family occasion! I remember my son’s wedding last summer – happiest day of my life! I danced all night too. Maybe all that dancing caused your pinched nerve. Hope it feels better soon.

  5. Francoise says:

    Beautiful! Congratulations to everyone.
    Hope your hip gets better. It’s time to get some rest now!

  6. KathieB says:

    Agreed. You’ve got a fabulous, creative, vibrant family and I’m so happy for all of you. Cheers!

  7. Jeannie says:

    I hope you know that I smiled as I was reading this and your posts on Facebook (except for the hip part – ouch!). I started reading Lisa’s blog, then Steph’s, and finally your’s. Your family has shared so much of themselves and their artwork and I am so grateful to each and every one of you. To see Lisa and Clay happy, married, and starting a wonderful adventure together brings everything full circle. I am so happy for all of you. Thanks for sharing this piece of your lives. I love happy endings. (Please take care and I hope the pain doesn’t keep you from enjoying your trip.) Hugs.