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A Free Speech Rant

I used to be known for my political rants. I have been too quiet for too long. Today I am disgusted with the Senate. In the words of moveon.org, the US Senate just told you to sit down and be quiet.

Perhaps you have been under a rock or in the wilderness and have not heard about the ad placed in the New York Times on the day of General Patraeus’ report to congress. If so, you can down load this pdf to see the ad. petraeusnytad.pdf

I have been a proud contributor to moveon.org over the years. I am proud of the work they do. Nothing was said in the ad that is not absolutely true. We have been lead down a garden path of lies and fabrications by the administration so that they can continue an illegal war in Iraq and perhaps even start one with Iran (a very scary thought).

What is happening to free speech in the United States of America? I am upset by the tasering of the student in Florida. One of the women of Code Pink was kept out of a Hillary Clinton rally because she was wearing a get out of Iraq t-shirt.

When the Republicans do something like this, I can just roll my eyes. But these Democrats voted with them. If you are as upset by this as I am, please e-mail them or call their local offices to complain. Let them know that it is a right and a privilege to dissent in this country.

No Republican voted against condemning the MoveOn ad. All 25 votes against the amendment were Democrats. Democrats who voted with Republicans to condemn the MoveOn ad were:

Nelson, Ben
Nelson, Bill

You can also go to the moveon.org site and sign an online petition.I promise that I will get back to textile talk tomorrow.

7 Responses to “A Free Speech Rant”

  1. joan says:

    Thanks for your rant! I just wanted to let you know that I wrote to Dianne Feinstein to express my disgust.

  2. caron says:

    I feel so guilty. I got through to Norm Coleman’s office to express my hope that he continue to support free speech, but, Amy Klobuchar’s line was busy for the hour tried. I trusted it would be okay based on her democratic alignment. Aack!

  3. Reva says:

    Right on, Gerrie!!! I stopped giving money to the Democratic Party months ago because of their spinelessness. This crosses the line into downright offensiveness. I’m totally disgusted.

  4. Karoda says:

    The actual amendment itself is a continued betrayal. The most horrid reality tv at its BEST!

  5. Gerrie says:

    Kristin: This comment is better than my rant!! You are such a wise soul!!

  6. Kristin L says:

    OK, let me get this straight — a bunch of Republicans and the Democrats listed actually signed an *amendment* to publicly condemn an ADVERTISEMENT!?!

    I know the pen is mightier than the sword, but why are these so-called leaders wasting their time and my tax dollars on an advertisement instead of putting their heads together to find a reasonable solution to the quagmire in Iraq? Is it because they voted us into Iraq and don’t want to eat crow? Our leaders have forgotten that their positions in our government are do do what’s best for the country — not what’s best for them personally.

  7. June says:

    Yeah, Gerrie!!!!