about the artist

Another Marathon Day


This morning, Mr C and I spent some quality time in our storage area, getting it organized and doing some purging. I was hoping to locate my container of perle cotton threads. It wasn’t there. We did find some lost items that made us happy. I did finally find my perle cotton inĀ  the storage hassock in my multi-purpose room -whew!

After a walk to the dog park where we hoped Scooter would get worn out, we headed to the closest street car stop and rode the street car to the Portland Art Museum. They are between special exhibits, but we enjoyed checking out the contemporary art galleries. It has been so long since we have been there and it just made my heart sing to wander the exhibits and look at all that creativity. Here are some favorite pieces. The opening photo is a detail of a painting I love.

High Fiber Diet is doing a blue themed show, so this piece intrigues me. Wonder if I dare to do something really minimalist.


The colors in this piece just sing for me.


But then, I can be totally drawn into a monochromatic piece with simple lines, creating an abstract figure.


And who couldn’t love this blue woman with a table of red fruit.


Tonight we walked down to a wonderful restaurant and ran into some friends. We shared a table and enjoyed our time and walk back home. I managed over 15000 steps today and am feeling quite proud of myself. So far, it has been a great week-end.

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