about the artist

Summer in the City


I am keeping busy. I did finish this piece. I am happy with it, I think!! I deliberately kept the composition and quilting simple as my goal was to flatten the picture plane.

I got good news this week, Sky Blue Pink was juried into SPUN, a fiber art exhibit at the Etui Fiber Arts Gallery in Larchmont, NY. I am happy about this because I really love this piece and it is hard to see the beauty of it in a photo.


It has been a meeting week, SAQA, Trinity class and STASH. I also had a really bad flare up of the arthritis in my left knee. I was doing very well for about a week. It is better today and I am so relieved.

I took my rejected neutral submissions in for critiquing. It was suggested that I change the orientation of Pick Up Sticks. I like it in a vertical orientation.


It is going to be a great week-end here in the Northwest. I hope you enjoy yours.

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