about the artist

This and That

I went to get my hair cut yesterday morning and guess who walked in and has a new station? David! The guy who was supposed to inherit my head at the other salon and was let go for drug use!! We never made eye contact. I kept my mouth shut. Everyone deserves a second chance!!

After the haircut, I ran over to Barnes and Noble and found the current issue of Cloth, Paper, Scissors and bought 3 copies. Shameless that I am, I forced the clerk to look at the article. She said "Is that a rug!!" I laughed and said, "No, a little smaller – a postcard." She seemed impressed!

In the afternoon, I went back to see Dr. Felicity. I am on a new super duper antibiotic and prednisone. (Oh,oh – quilter on steroids, again.) I am going in for a cat scan next week and may have to see an ENT specialist. I am feeling better this morning.

After that, Stevie took me to get an early birthday present. I am so excited. Here it is sitting on my lap.


It is the smallest of the Apple laptops – the ibook G4. I can now take my e-mail and blogging on the road with me. Watch for some great photos to come from PIQF next week. I am taking workshops with Mrs. Mel and Robbi Eklow – I’m so excited.

Charles Schulz, the creator of Peanuts and Snoopy lived here in Santa Rosa. His wife created a museum dedicated to his work. For the next 3 months, they have a show of Japanese quilts with a Peanuts theme. Our guild is helping on the week-ends by doing demonstrations and white gloving. They are letting us sell tickets for our opportunity quilt. This afternoon I am going to demonstrate  making fiberart postcards. Here is one of the quilts:

Tomorrow, Steve and I are going to the member’s preview of the amazing new DeYoung museum. There is an Andy Goldsworthy installation that I can’t wait to see.

Now, I must get organized to do my postcard demo.

11 Responses to “This and That”

  1. Cindra says:

    I love Andy Goldsworthy! Please take pictures and post.

  2. Rayna says:

    Oooh – a laptop! You will wonder how you ever lived without it. Happy b.d. and feel better fast.

  3. ginger says:

    hey there… glad to see you are feeling better and what a great b’day present!!! Did ya see me in the CPS mag??? They showed 3 of the 24 photos from the other side of the book….one is me with our oldest son, one is my SIL with our daughter Mariah, and the last is my Dad with Alex again only now Alex is 14 months old and they are at our wedding!!! My husband was pretty impressed that somebody would publish ” that stuff”

  4. Barb says:

    I laughed out loud at the idea of you showing the clerk, because I can see myself doing that too. I can have a conversation in the line at the post office, or anywhere. Sometimes it’s wonderful, and sometimes (especially with a younger crowd)I get a blank stare, lol. Heaven forbid we communicate other than text messaging or email, lol.

  5. PaMdora says:

    Cool new ibook! Glad you can take it on the road. Still haven’t gotten the new magazine yet.

  6. Jen Anderson says:

    I went to the website for the DeYoung museum, it looks wonderful. Happy birthday and have fun with your new toy! We’ll all be waiting to see your PIQF pics. (Also hoping the latest round of meds does the job). Jen

  7. gabrielle says:

    Gerrie, they gave me the same steroid for sinus a couple of years ago…made me wonder woman…but wanted to eat everything in sight. Hope you are already on the mend…good luck with the demo.

  8. mary manahan says:


    I would have shown the Cloth, Paper, Scissors article to the nearest sales clerk, too! It sounds like you have some fun in store for you. Hope you feel better soon.

  9. Lisa says:

    oh mom, so much going on with you!! thanks for the update!!

  10. Karoda says:

    okay, now that i’m over the prednisone thing…what a great birthday gift! that has to be the coolest thing, to be able to do travel blogging with digital images!!!!! i’ll patiently wait to see what brouhaha you find at PIQF fit for blogging!!!

    happy birthday!

  11. Karoda says:

    omg, gerrie! prenidsone!!!! evil drug! yeah, it strengthens tissue and speeds healing but for me at the price of turning into psycho quilter…so not a good thing…i hope you don’t have to be on them long and moreso they don’t effect you emotionally. Here is good vibes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ for a speedy recovery with the new anti-biotic.