about the artist

Ta Ta for a While

Mr. C is undoing the network for the computers. The van is coming soon. The house is piled high with boxes. We are really going to do this. We had to go out for breakfast. I am getting two last loads of laundry done. We will drive as far as Redding or Eureka tonight. Then on to Portland tomorrow. The van will arrive on Thursday. Please pray for no snow while we drive over the Siskayou’s!!

7 Responses to “Ta Ta for a While”

  1. rayna says:

    knock when you get home safely.

  2. KT says:

    Travel safely! Sending you great travel and moving mojo. Congratulations.

  3. teri says:

    Safe journey!!


  4. dee says:

    Safe travels to your new home. How exciting!!Dee

  5. Judy says:

    Safe travels Gerrie!
    Welcome to Portland!

  6. Sharon R says:

    Have a wonderful snow-free move and we’ll see ya soon!!!!

    Hugs from Chicago

  7. Kathie says:

    Good luck to you!