about the artist

Settling Down

Today was cleaning day. I also had to shop for M & M food for the next few days. Jack left for Portland, ME this morning to join Steph for the festivities on the other coast. Mr C and I picked the kids up at school this afternoon. Here is a clue that they have arrived.

Mr C picked up some books at the library for them. This is instant entertainment for these two. They settled down with hot chocolate and a book. The photo of Miles is totally out of focus.

So, we will see how I do in the morning – make breakfasts, get them dressed for school, pack lunches and make the 20 minute drive!! Steph sent their outfits for each day all bundled and ready for them to put on — a great idea!

During the excitement of the last few days, I finished the sunrise piece. I had a problem with the sun streaks. Now that it is too late, I wish I had not tried to do them at all, but I did and I have to live with that decision. So I added another layer of organza in vertical strips and stitched down. It looks less random.

I still have to sew on the facings and then I am on to the next piece.

3 Responses to “Settling Down”

  1. kathy says:

    What’s wrong with the sun streaks? I think they look great. Nice piece.

  2. jenclair says:

    Hope all goes well for Jack and Stephanie and that they enjoy the occasion to the max. The sunset is beautiful, Gerrie.

  3. PaMdora says:

    WAter looks great and so does sky! You’ve gotten a lot more done than me this week. All I’ve done is incessently read election articles on the internet, that’s gottta change tomorrow.