about the artist

Patch Grandma

My mastectomy was on Wednesday. I arrived home around 5 pm and immediately took some Vicodin and crashed. Thursday I was up and about, but not of sound mind. Yesterday was reality check. I was not a happy camper. But I decided to get cleaned up and get dressed. I have these camisoles that I wear that have a pocket for a polyester stuffed boob until I get fitted with a prosthetic in 6 weeks or so. They look like shoulder pads and you can remove the stuffing to get the right size. Here is the amount of stuffing that I removed from the one I am wearing. The other fake boob is next to it.

My daughters have a challenge going to see who can come up with the best design for a little fat stuffed bird. Here is Steph’s and here is Lisa’s

Today, I decided to join the challenge and use my extra boob stuffing. My challenge was that I had no felt (I gave it all away to Steph and Lisa) and I have no sturdy wire for the legs (without tearing apart some electronic device). Here is my bird: (I had to tape the feet so it would stand).

Birds of a feather flock together:

OK, I’m exhausted. time for a nap.

5 Responses to “Patch Grandma”

  1. stephanie says:

    I think the boobie shape is the way to go! I am going to take another stab at it when i get back from NC.

  2. Diane says:

    Ahhh! I see that the blue booby, startled to find himself freed from the booby hatch, has spread his tail to display his plumage to the delicate, long-legged female bird!

  3. I do love the Boobie….is it’s body just blue or is it Blue Footed as well???


  4. Debra says:

    I love your Blue Boobie Bird! They are very rare in the wild, and you have captured it’s essence perfectly.

  5. it’s hard to get them to stand, isn’t it? i am impressed considering you’re just recovering! i look forward to talking to you about your approach tomorrow!