about the artist

This and That (Again)

Catchy blog titles are eluding me these days.

Look what I found in the mail today. Lime green and orange shoe strings for my lime green and orange Keens. It also included the lovely card with a note from the very thoughtful Deborah. Thank you Deborah – you made my day! The card is a water color, but wouldn’t it make a nice quilt?


Last month I took Square Dance to my crit group. Listening to their suggestions, I removed the threads in the corners and mounted it on cotton duck that has been stretched on a frame. Here is how it looks now:


I am also revisiting Cosmic Circles. Since I can’t seem to get my creative juices working on something new, I thought I would putz around with other stuff.

M & M came over yesterday and spent the night with us. On her blog, Stephanie has just posted about the kids going back to school, giving her more time to devote to her art. I have to admit to some sadness that the summer is over so soon. Mr C and I have really enjoyed our longer days with them during the summer, taking field trips and getting to know them better.

Last night when I was getting them ready for bed, I said that I was really tired and was going to bed soon, myself. Mia asked why I was tired. I told her I didn’t sleep very well the night before. "Why Grandma?" I said I was worried about getting my studio cleaned up to entertain my crit group the next morning. She said, "I didn’t think Grandma’s did that!" She meant worry. I loved it, and it made me realize why we loved our grandparents so much. They always had time and didn’t seem to have the obligations of our parents. I really love being Grandma.

On our walk this morning, she prattled on and on and on about her friend, Sage. He is a boy in her class that she has regular play dates with. She told me she didn’t like it when he plays with Rosy, another girl in her class. I heard about every adventure and play they have put on. It was just great. I wonder if she will tell me about her boyfriends when she is 13 and 16 and so on?

It is such a win win situation, Stephanie gets to have a date night with Jack and I get to spend quality time with M & M.

7 Responses to “This and That (Again)”

  1. PaMdora says:

    didn’t see the earlier version of this, but love it now. That black border really sets off the bright colors!

  2. Theresa says:

    I am so getting myself a pair of those Keen’s. Thanks for the heads-up. And don’t you just love having grandchildren? I was made for it!

  3. Cindra says:

    Grandkids are such a blessing! You are so lucky to have them close by.

    Speaking of blessings! I love my Keen’s I have three pair of their sandles and know I have to get some of their REAL shoes for fall and winter. Love yours!

  4. Judy says:

    Adore those shoe laces! Surprises in the mail are definitely the best, aren’t they?

    Very interesting thoughts on grandparents. I’ll bet you are just about the coolest one around. I look back on both grandmothers with so much love and affection. They taught me so much of what I truly treasure today, but they did it as sharing. I only wish that my daughter had had such a relationship with her one grandparent, my Mom…the “don’t mess Grandma’s house grandmother”.

    I love your Square Dance quilt…especially how you tucked in those black and whites! Great job!!!

  5. Carol says:

    Gerrie, such sweet sentiment about being a grandmother!

    I always say I will be a “cookie grandma!” My mother was a don’t mess Grandma’s skirt grandmother. My daughter tells me she will never have children. I said the same when I was 26.

  6. Deborah says:

    I’m glad you got the shoe laces! Aren’t they a kick?! I sure wish my parents lived closer… luckily, they visit fairly often. What a blessing.

  7. Laurie says:

    The quilt is gorgeous. The colors are so vibrant on the black.

    Grandparents who want to spend time and dote on little ones are such a gift. The love between grandparents and grandchildren is like nothing else. I sure miss mine!!