about the artist

Looks Like Spring


We live very close to Reed College. The weather was beautiful and spring-like this weekend. I noticed that the students at Reed had come out of hibernation and interesting things, in addition to the crocusses, sprouting on the lawn adjacent to the street.

There was the geodesic dome:


And then there is this sculpture, titled “Faith-based Missile System.”


The most poignant display, however, is this one.

reedsign1.jpg reedsign2.jpg




We stopped and talked to one of the students putting out the flags. They had been working on it for 3-4 hours and still had many to go. I will get another photo when it is completed. It is very sobering to view these flags and reflect on their meaning.

Please, let’s stop the madness!

6 Responses to “Looks Like Spring”

  1. […] gets a second round of THANKS! It was on her blog that I saw the flags at Reed College that lead to the big war memorial project. Once again, I am […]

  2. Reva says:

    I didn’t see your post til after I’d uploaded mine this afternoon on the same subject! It’s an amazingly powerful statement, isn’t it? Jerry and I noticed a stash of additional, unused flags by Eliot Hall, with a sign inviting folks to plant some of their own. The simple gesture of sticking those wires in the ground, one by one, was really a sobering experience. Made you think about each individual death that the flags represented.

  3. Frances says:

    the numbers really are mindbogging, my cousin has 2 sons in the british army one is in Iraq as I write this, thanks for showing Gerrie,

  4. lisa says:

    mom, that looks like an amazing display on the RC lawn. wow!

  5. thelmasmith says:

    Gerrie, thank you so much for the flags. thelma

  6. DebR says:

    Damn, those sorts of graphic displays really show things that just reading the numbers never will. Sobering, indeed.