about the artist

Improvisational Fabric Design

I have always eschewed taking dyeing classes that require measurement and tabulating results. I love the serendipity of just throwing in some random dye on some random fabric to see what will happen. This piece was a wimpy blue and green yesterday. I threw it in a dye bath of chocolate brown. I love it. Here is a detail.

It is so complex now with warm and cool colors showing up. It works perfectly with the big piece I am working on. This was an afterthought because I had left over dye.

The tray dyeing with 3 different greens and splashed of black was not so successful and will be over-dyed at some point. The water was too cold. I didn’t use enough dye and didn’t mix it very well.

I got most of the fabric fused today and finally became brave enough to cut into it. I stopped when I realized that I wanted some warm yellow. I took this wimpy beige fabric:

and painted it yellow with some copper accents.

Gaaa! I love it. I love how paint can transform a piece of fabric.

7 Responses to “Improvisational Fabric Design”

  1. nancy says:

    oooh i love these… can you tell me what paint and color you used to get that beautiful yellow?

  2. Kristin L says:

    Oooh, that last one looks like fire and smoke!

  3. Love the yellow piece, Geri! I’m with you on not following directions. Listening to the beat of your own drum is much more interesting!

  4. Gerrie, you certainly are on a roll. Love the results!
    Regina SXM

  5. Diane Wright says:

    Frankly I’m not a fan of reading directions, following the rules, walking in someone else’s foot steps and the like. (and often I rue my position) But your wonderful results remind me of why I love the improvisational. Gorgeous, simply, gorgeous!

  6. Sue Andrus says:

    Paint can do some wonderful things! 🙂 I love the copper on it, too…

  7. kathy says:

    That yellow piece turned out awesome!!