about the artist

Aerobic Creativity

I was determined to come up with an idea for my next Twelve by Twelve piece. The color way this time is the colors of the Lorikeet which our Australian member, Brenda, sees around her home.

I was in my studio looking at fabric and paint and then saw my wool roving. Bingo! I would felt something. I started by using my felting attachment on my Bernina, but I made an error attaching the needles and sheared off the screw that holds the attachment. I thought, I can do wet felting!

And so I did. It is quite a workout as you have to roll up the piece and rock and roll it. Then you undo it give it a turn, roll it up again, etc. etc. My arms are feeling it tonight.

Here is a sneak peek of what I did.

It is drying. I will do some hand stitching and maybe some embellishment. I am so relieved to have this well on its way. I hope you are having a creative week-end, too.

4 Responses to “Aerobic Creativity”

  1. jenclair says:

    I, too, have played with wet felting and agree with Karoda–hard on the arms. Messy, too, but that’s part of the fun.

    Love the colors you’ll be working with!

  2. Karoda says:

    I’m laughing at Judy calling you incorrigable. I’m going to add tenacious!

  3. Jeannie says:

    I have played around with wet felting and your arms must be ready to fall off! It is gorgeous Gerrie. Have a wonderful Sunday!

  4. Judy says:

    My My My! You are incorrigable, aren’t you?!!! I am constantly amazed and encouraged by your tenacity! I would no more undertake the wet felting that you did, than consider a date with the man in the moon! Well, let me rephrase that: since I’ve not had a class in wet felting, I wouldn’t consider doing it. Maybe you’ve taken said class….and not told me about it? LOL
    Brilliant Gerrie! Simply Brilliant!
