about the artist

Some Driveby Photography

We had  beautiful day to drive to California, yesterday. That splotch is a bug smush on the windshield! The Scotch Broom and spring green leaves made the landscape bright and cheery.


Trees for a thermofax screen.

I love the sculptural quality of the hills in California. They turn a golden color in the summer.


You can see all my photo on Flickr – link in my sidebar.

I am feeling much better after one day on the meds. We are about to go out and enjoy a day in San Francisco and a BBQ with our SF peeps tonight.

One Response to “Some Driveby Photography”

  1. rayna says:

    Glad you’re feeling better on the meds and I expect a dinner in SF will be the icing on the cake. Have fun! You dserve a vacation!