about the artist

NW Vibe — High Fiber Diet

We went to the opening reception for the latest High Fiber Diet show — NW Vibe. That is my Red Sky at Night up there, my rendition of Portland at night looking West from our side of the river. If you click on it, you can get a better view. That is Terry’s piece at the bottom which is a view out the window on a rainy day with her sewing supplies at the ready. Sorry, the photo is a bit blurry.

Here is another overview of the show. I am not particularly fond of venues where the quilts have to be stacked like this, but sometimes that is a necessity.

Here are some individual pieces:

The piece on the bottom has sold. So happy for Chris!

The venue is a cafe/coffee house with a gallery area and beautiful vertical gardens on the exterior located in Oregon City. There was very enjoyable live music — a nice coffee house vibe for our NW Vibes.

Here is Terry and her daughter and some other folks. Terry’s grandchildren are gorgeous children.

I was very enamored of the vertical gardens. I have always wanted a vertical succulent garden on the side of our garage.

This is a newly planted vertical garden. They put carpet padding on the side of the building and then cut into it to place the plants. They are watered from above.



There is a free seminar of planting and caring for vertical gardens on Sunday  afternoon, I may have to go!!


3 Responses to “NW Vibe — High Fiber Diet”

  1. Connie Rose says:

    The quilts are all so wonderful. Love your Red Sky. I’ve actually never heard of or seen vertical gardens…they’re fantastic. Have a great weekend. xo

  2. reva says:

    I did a master gardener shift with Phil Yates, the owner of Singer Hill and designer/builder of the vertical garden. I learned a lot that day!

    Wish I could’ve gotten down there for the opening, but Lauren’s flight was delayed and she didn’t get in til 5.

  3. Judy says:

    Your Red Sky at Night is gorgeous, as is Terry’s piece. The show looks great.
    I love the idea of a vertical succulent garden – wish I could go with you to the seminar!
