about the artist

This and That

I am just about finished with an orange piece. I just have to finish the edges. Here is a sneak peek.  And I have lovely bits of pieces like this in my studio. I might have to find a way to use them.

Today, the New York Times had a full page Starbuck’s ad — photography by my daughter, Stephanie.

This was taken on a photo shoot in Austin, TX. She was in the back of a moving top down Jeep when she took this photo!!

I also finished the Kayak in the Lily Pads. The lily pads gave me fits!!

I did some free motion quilting on this. It is the first time I have done that on my new Janome Horizon. It has a push button conversion system so that you can change the plate to a small needle hole which gives a lot more control when quilting. It took me some trial and error to figure it out. When all else fails, read the manual!!

I am making a lot of progress on my night time trauma. I was doing well until early this morning when I was sure I heard someone trying to break into the house. I don’t know what the noise was, but I couldn’t get back to sleep. I just hope I am tired enough to sleep well tonight.

3 Responses to “This and That”

  1. Jo Appleton says:

    I’m so sorry you are having those night terrors; I solved that problem for myself with an 85-pound dog. If she wasn’t concerned about a noise…neither was I. Between her and the alarm system, I slept like a baby! I love your work!

  2. Kristin L says:

    I like your oranges. It looks like you’ve been able to use black without making it look Halloweeny. I really need to get cracking on mine! Sweet dreams. 🙂

  3. Jeannie says:

    Love, love, love the orange piece! On my monitor it glows, so I know in person it is gorgeous. Congrats to Stephanie! I bet she had fun stories about the shoot. I hope you get some quality sleep. Sweet Dreams.