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A Night in the ER

I did not have a virus. By last night, I realized that my left arm was swollen and red and my temp was going up and up, no matter what I did. I had a recurrence of cellulitis in my lymphedema arm. I have had this problem off and on since my first breast cancer when I had lymph nodes removed from that arm.

It has been a while since I had a problem. I am not sure what caused it this time. I do know that it is nothing to mess with. I need to get antibiotics asap.

I got to the ER at 8:30. The ER on a Saturday night is a surreal place. I was low priority so it was 9:30 before I got into a room. They decided to do an IV infusion of antibiotics. I felt better and the redness was abating by the time I arrived home at 1:30 am.

I still feel as if a truck has run over me and have a high fever. I hope to be up to speed tomorrow for my interview with Pat Sloan. Click on the link in my sidebar to listen in or if you miss it live, you can catch me later. I am the second guest.

7 Responses to “A Night in the ER”

  1. Lisa Flowers Ross says:

    I hope you are feeling better soon.

  2. Diane says:

    Yikes. Glad you figured out what it was and got antibiotics as soon as you could. Hope you’re feeling better now!

  3. Victoria says:

    What a scary thing to have to endure. I truly hope you are feeling better, and I look forward to catching the broadcast. 🙂

  4. Connie Rose says:

    Feel better soon sweetie. Sorry to hear about the recurring problem. Lymphedema is no fun. Hope you have a good week!

  5. Karen Rips says:

    I hope this goes away soon Gerrie

  6. Kit Lang says:

    Goodness! Feel better soon.

  7. jenclair says:

    What an awful experience. Wishing you a quick recovery and a great interview with Pat Sloan!