about the artist

Movin’ & Groovin’

It felt good to get back in the studio just to finish my yellow 3 x 3s!!

I had a busy day, working on the art show database. Filemaker Pro is killing me, but I will conquer it, eventually. Tonight, I had a High Fiber Diet meeting. It was so great to see friends. We met for Mexican food before the meeting.

Back to the trip to the desert – on the second day, we went out to Joshua Tree National Park in search of wildflowers. We were rewarded.

Our first stop was the Cholla cactus garden.

Next, we were happy to see many Ocotillos with their red flowers.

Here are our wildflower finds. It is amazing to see these little beauties sprouting from the sand.

That evening, back at the Congdon adobe, we were rewarded with this.

Karen asked about the 5 acre plots. They are there and still deeded to those who built a structure. If you google desert 5 acre plots, you will find them for sale. Having been there and seen where they are and how isolated, it is pretty funny to read the listings for them.

5 Responses to “Movin’ & Groovin’”

  1. Judy says:

    Thank you for all of the desert flower pictures! Ocotillos are among my favorites.

    Yup: the top 3×3 is a winner!


  2. Kristin L says:

    Ooh, I like that top 3×3! I’m glad you’re getting your groove back.

  3. Beth Nimmo says:

    My favorite is the ocotillo…those cholla have truly evil spines that go thru clothes and are a skin irritant (this I learned from personal experience!)

  4. Linda Moran says:

    Isn’t the desert in spring pretty amazing? I can’t take enough pics of cactus blossoms! Love yours!

  5. Vicki W says:

    I love your 3×3 series!