about the artist

Day 13

December 13th, 2015



I have been having a pity party of one. I have felt depressed and lethargic and have to force myself to get up and get dressed and get on with the day. I know that part  of the reason is Seasonal Affective Disorder. I have had it all my life. When we moved to California in 1976, it went away. Then we moved to Portland and the first year we were here, I bought a happy light which I sat next to every morning as I had my coffee and checked my e-mail. I also had a Rise and Shine Wake up light which came on like the sun was rising, getting brighter over a matter of minutes. I also had the huge studio with daylight florescent lighting. I had to be careful to not spend too much time there at night or I would have a problem falling asleep.

Over time, I think I adapted to the changing seasons. Last year, we moved here to the condo which is much darker and up against a hill. Last winter was fairly mild and so the lack of sunshine didn’t seem to be a problem, but this year? Argh! Dark and rainy and miserable.

The other problem is my damn knee pain. I am in pain most of the day and wake up early in the morning with more pain. The amazing brace is helping, in fact, I am so happy when I can wear it, but I am still limited to 2-3 hours a day. The brace actually changes the alignment of my body and so even though the pressure on my knee joint is released, the rest of my body is not happy so I have to ease into time in the brace. It does seem to have a residual effect, in that I feel pretty good for a couple of hours after I take it off.

And so, starting today, I am going to try to deal with this as best I can. I have all of these symptoms  and so I will try to work on the treatment because we all know that this is just not me.


I did have a lovely end to yesterday. Wonderful Christmas concert and dinner with Lisa and Clay.

Thanks for letting me share this. It helps to get it out there.

Day 12

December 12th, 2015


Finally got some holiday mojo going on here in The Congdo. It was a gloomy day so we turned on as many lights as we could and cranked up the Christmas music on the stereo.

More of my nativities.


An assortment of angels on the mantel.


And some glittering bling in a bowl.


Tonight we went to a beautiful concert at Trinity with the choirs and organ and Oregon Symphony brass and then out to dinner with Clay and Lisa. So much fun.

Day 11

December 11th, 2015


I managed to get to my studio today after a bit of angst over not finding a parking spot. I get so irritated over the parking situation. The lot is for renters only and we have stickers to show we are valid. There are always cars there with no sticker. So, this morning I left and did some grocery shopping and came home in a snit. Mr C drove me back so I could work for a while then came back and picked me up.

This is a piece that I am doing to show the use of lost edges. It is taking me forever to cut little leaves for this row of trees. I think I am ready to start quilting. I want to quilt the leaves and the background before I add the trunks.

I am also making progress on this little sweater.


It has been so dark and dreary and rainy today. I am having a SADD episode due to lack of light. I think we are due for some sun over the next few days and I am looking forward to it.

Day 10

December 10th, 2015


My guild, Columbia Fiberarts Guild, had a wonderful speaker at our meeting with yummy show and tell and a chance to spend some money. Tylar Merrill of Thimbleberry Felted Designs in Eugene was the presenter. Above is a jacket with a matching knitted collar.

This is a detail shot of the closure that she made from recycled knitting needles and felted beads.


She is very prolific, creating simple felted jewelry and hats in addition to the larger clothing items. She also does felted wall art and blankets.



The intricate work in these capes just blew my mind.



She came up with an ingenious one sleeve shawl. I really wanted to get one, but she didn’t had a colorway that worked for me. This is guild member, Jan Story, wearing one of the one armed shawls. The beauty of this design is that it does not slip off your shoulders.


These are stained glass scarves. They all start out with white silk and black roving. After they are felted, she paints each section with procion dye and then steams it to set the dyes.


This is the scarf that I bought. The colors in this will go with almost every thing in my wardrobe.


I am happy to report that I am having great success with my knee brace. Today, I was up and about wearing it for over 3 hours. I even did a 30 minute walk with Scooter and Mr C.

I am so happy that Cheryl Sleboda has given me the impetus to start posting every day. It is a good thing.


Wordless Wenesday

December 9th, 2015
